Sunday, June 7, 2009

Last week of School 6-1--6 - 6 XXX

6-1 Happy Birthday Mary....

I had a pac meeting tonight at 5 pm and we finalized our minutes and went over the carnival stuff. the carnival was only a couple hundred short of last year. so it was really good for this economy. I had to leave early Keagen and Kya both had a game tonight. Keagen was at 7 pm and Kya was at 7:45. So Tag went to kya's and i went to keagen's game.

6-2 Fifth grade went to Wahooz today for a treat. Kya had fun playing laser tag and bumper boats.

Keagen has scouts from 4-5
Keagen has practice from 6-8
the boys have a game at 7 pm. we decided to have keagen join graysens coach pitch team. so he plays on his team the minors and coach pitch. it has been good for him to be on a team that looks up to him. so he went to practice fro 6-7 and then runs over to the field were they are playing and plays with the coach pitch team. Tonight the other team hit a fly ball and keagen caught it and threw the ball to second and got two people out in one play it was great. he was so excited.

6-3 Kya had fifth grade graduation. from 5:30 - 7 pm. She received awards for perfect attendance for the one semester and for reading so many words per minute. and for not getting any punches on her card. that was a big thing that had to do with getting all home work done and good attitude.
Keagen had a game at 7 and he missed it tonight because he was at kya's graduation.
Kya had a game at 7:45 at the quads so she had to hurry and change in the car on our way to the game. so she can make it in time. we made it in time.

6-4 Last Day Of School.... The kids all get out early today. 11am. This whole week i have had to drive and pick up the kids from school since we are no longer in the heights district. I plan on driving them everyday next year too. it is going to be a long year i am afraid....

Keagen has practice from 6-8 again so he will practice form 6-7 and run over to the field for the game with his other team.
graysen and keagen have a game at 7 pm. they are both doing great.

6-5 no school so we slept in hurray... kya has practice tonight at 7 at purple sage.
Summer and her mom and aunt and all the kids stayed the night with us on there way to Organ. Ryleigh is going to stay with us til they come back through..
We had a really fun night visiting.

6-6 I can't remember what we did...
6-7 church from 11 am -2 pm

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