Saturday, March 28, 2009

Heading Home

Today we left Las Vegas around 9 am and we got lost in the road construction detour so it took us 1 hr to get to the freeway. But it wasn't bad because we were able to see a really nice area out side of Vegas. It was really pretty. and you would never guess it was anywhere near Vegas.

Finally on the road and it took us 9 more hours to get home. we went through 2 books on CD. I have to listen to someone talk to keep me from being tired or wanting to go to sleep. so it is great that they have books you can listen to. at first the kids didn't like it but after a while i think they liked them. or at least they didn't complain.

We got home about 10 pm i think. and we were all very tired and went right to bed. It was nice to see tag after being away for 10 days. he kept the house clean which was nice. Off to bed i go...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mom Left

Well mom left today to go to Durango Colorado. I guess she left around 5 am i had no idea she was leaving that early. It kinda upset me that she didn't even say good bye. I guess maybe it was easier for her that way. She left Titles with ali. and he is going crazy waiting for mom to come back. i guess he better get use to the idea that he is living with ali and larry now.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy birthday

Today is Kiana's 14th birthday....Where has time gone. I can't believe she is even a teenager.
We went to the mall and looked around today here in Las Vegas. And checked into having kiana's teeth bleached. but it seems that dentist don't like to bleach your teeth unless you are over 18. Which makes since after they explained it to me. Of course kiana doesn't see it that way. She is at the age where she knows everything. I wish i could be that age again. ha ha
Mom bought her a cake and surprised her. It was nice.
The weather is yucky.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

We are Here...

We are here in Vegas now...
I recieved the most amazing news today.... Life is great..... I am so happy for some friends of mine. I wish them the best of luck ever.
We went to the swap meet today. IT was not all that great but they did have some deals. It was in the scarier part of the town.
Peyton is so cute i can't believe it. she is acting shy now pretty funny

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Teacher Conference's

Today was a warm day here which was really nice.
I had teacher conferences tonight kya was a 6pm and her teacher said she was doing good she might need to slow down a little and notice any mistakes that she makes. But she is doing really good.
Keagen was at 6:15pm and he has made a huge improvement. His confidence has grown in his reading. He doubled his words per min. which is great. I hope he continues to do better i am sure he will.
Graysen had his appointment at 6:30pm. And he is doing really well also. It is funny they had a spelling test and she had the words on the board along with other ones and she erased the spelling words. Well graysen is in an all boys class and they thought they pulled one over on her she said the word pour and they wrote down the only p word on the board. well guess what that word was porcupine. not even close to what she said. it was pretty funny. But he is doing great on his turtle words. he is number two. and if he kicks it in gear he will be number one by the time spring break is over.

Kiana went to a movie and night game party tonight at Ian's house. i have to pick her up at 11pm.
I went through all my pants and came up with over 15 to give to my mom.
I need to get oour bags packed so we can leave in the morning. i am not looking forward to the drive. yuck..... But i hear the weather is in the 80's i am looking forward to that...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Still sick...

Keagen is home sick again today. He got up at 8:30 am and i was hoping he felt better and he acted better. So i got Kya and graysen off to school and planned on bringing keagen later. I figured i would cut his hair and get him in the shower and get him going. well that didn't go as planned. I cut his hair and then he said i don't feel very good. i feel like i am going to fall down. so while in the shower we washed his hair and then i let him sit down and wash his legs and arms. Now he is eating hopefully that will help with the no strength thing. I am guessing that must be the problem he has not eaten anything for a couple of days. He didn't want to throw up again and just didn't feel like eating. I just hope that he is over it soon. and the rest of us don't get it. If anyone else does we will not be going to vegas on friday. I am not traveling with a sick child. it is so much easier to just stay home and take care of them. and i don't want to take a bug to everyone else.

The weather here is going to be in the 60's all week it looks yucky out side but it really is nice. Well warmer then it has been. And i can't wait for the 90's. 100's would be even better but that doesn't happen here much.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Choir and a Sick kid

Well today was a sick day. Keagen stayed home from church yesterday because he didn't feel good. He had a cough and by the end of the day he had a fever. Well he woke up this morning throwing up. So we decided he better stay home from school. He pretty much slept all day long.

Kiana has a choir concert tonight. She has to be there at 6:25 pm

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hair Day 2...

Kya and her new hair color....

Kya looking pretty cute with a lighter blond....

Well today we are doing Kya's hair. And she complained just about the whole time. Her neck hurt i was pulling to hard. and it was taking to long. But she got over it fast.

Tag had to go to work at Phills house to ge the generator hook up. Or atleast all the wire run to the panel.
Dad stpooed by this morning and woke all the kids up. it was 9:45 am and it was time they get up. He wants tag and i to go eat with him tonight at Texas Road House that will be fun. I could use a good salad and steak.
Steven called and asked if kya could watch Kenzie tonight while he takes christina and Kooper to the monster trucks at the Idaho Center. Kya is excited to watch her. She is such a doll.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hair Day

Today i was lucky enough to be able to sleep in today... The kids didn't have school today. I am not sure why.

Kiana wanted me to color her hair again today. She decided to go a bright blond on top and a dark brown on bottom. She looks pretty cute..

Kiana's new color

Myriam and Zain had a busy day today they had their transfer at 12 noon. and then they had to run to the airport to go to New York for a couple of days then head home to Tunisia. We are really going to miss them. I told them that i really wish they lived closer they have become like family to us. And would like to spend more time with them. I just pray that things work out for them this time around. They ended up transferring 4 today.

Tonight Tag came home and decide to take the boys to get a hamburger and a movies since they didn't get to do anything fun with us last night. So we went to Wendy's and got a movie to watch together. It was Madagascar 2. It is so funny we seen it in the movie theater and loved it then so we figured tag should watch it to. Well worth watching again.
Kiana went to her friend Ali's house to play night games and watch movies. she will be home around 12 tonight. Her mom is bringing all the kids home.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

snow boarding

Kya Myriam and Kiana at Bogus....

Tag and Kya snowboarding

Kiana snowboarding

Me about to fall

Well on Friday tag and the girls and myself took myriam and zain to bogus to go skiing. Zain stayed in the lodge and watched. Myriam she skied. And Tag and the girls and i we snowboard. Or i guess i can say i tried to. I am so sore from falling and hitting the ground over and over again. we got home at 11:30 pm last night.

The boys went to Amy's house after school til 8 pm and then i had Sam come and watch them til we got home. The boys went with them to the CORE fair at the school. They had a lot of fun.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am already Done!!!

I ran the kids projects to school this morning and did my usual cleaning and now i am all done for the day and it is only 9:40am. Now what do i do???? maybe i will just relax and read a book or take a nap. The kids get home early today. and the girls want me to color their hair again. Kiana said the dark did not stay in long enough and she wants it lighter on top. We will see how that turns out. Wish me luck. It was kinda cold outside i hope it warms up soon.
I think tomorrow Tag will take myriam and the girls snowboarding they are excited. I really wish i knew that my knee would hold up cause i would really like to try it. But it scares me to death. I really don't want to be hauled off the hill on a stretcher.... That would not be funny at all. I don't know i guess we will see if i feel up to it tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday !!

Happy birthday Steven... You know i should really know how old he turning but i am not sure. I am going to guess he is turning 27 or 28. Anyways i hope he has a great day.

I had a great day with Myriam and Zain. We were at the mall all day shopping. And we had lunch at panda express. The chicken was yummy. I finally found some shirts for the girls so we can do family pictures. I have bought to differnt shirts now and they end up not liking them when we get home. Even after they pick them out.

Tonight i am ready for bed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Day !!

This is keagen's family tree i did for him.

This is kya's underground railroad poster board that we did. well she gather some of the information i put it all together and made the board.

This is the flag that i made for graysens project. I went to the school and took a picture of it.

Ok i have not been here in a couple of days. I have been very busy....
First Tags family was here til Sunday. and then i had to get going on the rest of the kids CORE projects... I finished Keagens today and i just finished McKya's. And if i do say so myself they look good. Oh ya I finished Graysens last week before company came.

Zain Myraim and the may family at Golden Corral

Tonight Tag and the kids and I went to dinner with Myraim and Zain...and Stephanie and her three kids. I am sorry i just forgot one of the boys names so it is easier not to put any names.

Me Myriam and Stephanie They look great... I am really hoping to be as skinny as them again some day.

It was so nice to see them again... We really did miss them. I have to say it makes me so sad to think that i am not the one helping them at this time. But they have a great Surro. And i pray that everything works for them. They deserve to have a beautiful baby of their own. They would make wonderful parents.

They brought us some gifts. First they gave me a Traditional wrap from Tunisia and a family picture from when they were here last time. In the picture i really looked terrible. For some reason my eyes are always closed. but everyone else looked great. and then they gave the family some chocolates. Which i had to hide from Tag..
they are the most amazing people ever. I wish they lived closer. It sounds like they want to go skiing on Thursday that will be a lot of fun. Zain and i will stay in the lodge and Tag, Myriam and the girls will go snow boarding.
ok i am off to bed early tonight. i took some pictures i will try to post them tomorrow. i still need to post the ones from the other day.

I forgot to add that kya baby sat Kenzie on saturday. She was so excited to beable to watch her. and she did a great job. Tag and i took Kooper with us to the baskeball game. he did great to. He is so funny i love to listen to him talk. He does not like storms....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Family is here.

I got the the kids off to school and then i ran to the store and got some stuff to make dinner tonight.
Tag's family will be here for the Dubois Basketball games. the game starts at 3pm. Three out of the four kids went with us. Graysen decided that he would rather stay at school and play with his friends after school. So he went to drews house while we were gone.
Dubois played Richlfield and it was not a great turn out. they lost. they play again tomorrow at 6:15 pm.
It has been fun having family here. It is nice to be able to sit and visit and laugh. We are all off to bed now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

They are here!!!!!!! Spring cleaning.....

Today i started some spring cleaning. i got quit a bit done. these last couple of weeks i have been going through clothes and getting rid of the ones we don't wear or don't fit. so this week i decided to hit drawers and the other closets.
I discovered even though kya is pretty organized and keeps her room clean. That she is a pack rat and likes to put stuff in bags or her purses and put them in the corner of closets or on shelf's and forget about them. rather then putting the stuff away. I am not even sure how many bags i found full of odds and ends. i cleaned her room and put everything away in the right place.
Then i hit the kitchen junk drawer that was a chore in its self. I am not sure how it happens but things get put in there that do not belong there. and it seems once you start cleaning things you keep going and end up doing something else to. But it is nice when you are done.
Kiana thanked me for cleaning her closet out for her. Kya was way beyond excited that i organized fro her and she thanked me for that also. i guess the shelf under her overhead projector was really bugging her that it was a mess so that was so exciting for her to see things put away. It is nice to have someone do that for you when it overwhelms you enough that you don't want to do it. I am glad i could help.
The boys room is pretty much clean all the time. I pick it up everyday pretty much or they keep it picked up. but i did make there beds for them the right way. that made them happy. They make their own beds each day and sometimes i wonder if they even try. But at least they are learning that it is something that needs to be done everyday and you will feel better.
I like to know that my house is clean because you just never know who might show up. or you might have to go somewhere and it is nice to come home to a clean house. I like to keep up on it everyday that helps. I do my laundry everyday that way i don't get overwhelmed. with six people in the house it could happen quick...
Tonight Tag and I went to lances house it was his birthday 38. We visited and ate. and headed home around 9:30pm.
I got a wonderful phone call today.... Zain Called and told me that Myriam and himself are in town... How exciting. We have really missed them. I really wish they lived closer. And i have to say it really made me feel good to hear his voice. I knew that they would call but the day after they got here that makes it even better. They arrived last night at midnight. and i guess their luggage got lost..... Anyways they were a little tired so we will get to see them hopefully Saturday. Tomorrow Tags family will be here till Saturday. So we will be busy. But after that we will get to spend time with them. I am so excited... I pray that everything works for them this time around. It has to. I have to say i am a little sad that i am not the one doing it for them this time. But i know it is best. But i would in a heart beat I told tag that tonight i would do it again for them if they needed me to. They are such amazing people.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Today was cat in the hat day. Mckya dressed up like cindy lou who. She was really cute. i took pictures i will post later.

Front view

Back view

Tonight we signed the three younger kids up for baseball. they start in may and it looks like we are going to be very busy this summer.
I worked on graysen core project today and started keagens. And then we have to get going on kya's. Graysen's project is on the American Flag. Keagen is on the Family Tree. Kya is on the underground railway.
It rained here most of the day. but it was in the 50's.
Keagen got mad at me today and said he is leaving. It was 7:20am and he got his coat on and grab his backpack and headed out the door. I asked him are you going to ride the high school and middle school bus today or what? He said no i am getting far away from here.... Kiana went out to get on the bus and he was sitting on the power box down the road. Kiana asked him if he was going to get on the bus? He started laughing. He came home and bugged the rest of us til it was time to get on the bus at 8am. He didn't get enough sleep last night and boy did we pay for it today. I am also going to bed early tonight.
Myriam and Zein will be here tonight at midnight. They have an appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to see them.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Not very Happy At All....

Oh my goodness i am soooo mad right now.. I just got done watching the season finale of the bachelor. Jason is such a jerk. He really needs to be slapped. that was just not right what he did to Melissa.
It is funny kiana kept saying mom its just a show. Graysen said if it was him he would of slapped him... Tag is wondering how many people will call or e-mail the show about him. i hope they do he so deserves it.

This last weekend was kinda busy you could say.
Saturday Tag and i worked at Phills house. we got home around 7:30pm and we were lazy the rest of the night tired....
Sunday the normal went to church and came home and took a nap.
Monday i cleaned like usual. and at 10 am my visiting teachers came. I had kiana make me a sign to put by the door. No Shoes Please..... Last time it was raining and muddy and they wore there shoes in the house. I have a rule NO shoes in the house period.... I feel like it is disrespectful and rude if you wear your shoes in other peoples houses. But that's just my op ion.. Well the sign worked. the visit went good. and they left around 10:30. and then i had a meeting with Amy. Had her fill out a profile and i sent it off to kathleen. I think she will be great... We talked about the neighborhood and whats going on. nothing to exciting.
When the kids got home i helped with home work and then the girls and i decided it was time to head off to wal mart and get supplies for the Core projects. I got a poster board for keagen to put his family tree on and graysen a Styrofoam board to make a flag out of. kya is doing underground rail road. she is going to use the boys trains and tracks.
I talked to mom today her and ali were off doing errands and the weather was nice today there 75. here is was 50's but then we had a cold chill coming through. but it was sunny off and on.