Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Busy Day

well today started off normal except i had to get ready for the day.....ugh... But it was all good. Got the kids ready folded laundry, sweeped the kitchen picked up, and made my bed. Then i took all the kids to school at 8am. and headed to lances house to watch Mckenzie for them. I found out their schedule for the rest of the week. Nathan was already heading to school when i go there at 8:30 am. Mckenzie ate some breakfast while lance told me what his plan was. then we went to the kids school to make sure they had after school reading group. that's when i noticed what kenzie had on. Her mom would of never let her go out of the house in the pants she had on. I am pretty sure she dressed herself. But Lance did a pretty good job doing hair. We ended up going back to her house and getting her different pants on. Then we ran to walmart to pick up a couple things for dinner. and Took Tag a pop and a donut. Then we headed to my house. Kenzie is not feeling well she has a cough and a stuffy nose. So i gave her some cough medicine and it has helped but i noticed she is getting a little tired. so i called her dad and told him that she did not want to go to school. I would not of sent my child to school like that so i figured i better ask him first. And guess what she didn't have to go. She said she likes being at my house. how sweet. I think she is just excited for the kids to come home..And they are all excited to. The kids should be here around 2 today it is early out then we are going to get Nathan at 3:45 in meridian. and bring him back here til lance is off work.

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