Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

today was a slow start for me because Mckya stayed at her friend Brookes house last night. Well part of the night anyway. I received a phone call at 1:30 am i thought i was having a dream until i finally realized it was the phone. I answered it and it was Kya she said mom katie and i are the only ones awake and we are hungry. My first reply is kya go to bed. she wanted me to come pick them up. i said give it a little bit and call me if you still want me to come. She texted me and said we are going to stay we will put in a movie and go to sleep. Oh ya she said they were not tired. but i knew better it was 1:30 in the morning. So i texted back and said hurry and close your eyes and you will be asleep before Katie. She does not like anyone to go to sleep before her. I didn't hear anything else from her. I said thank goodness back to sleep i go. well the phone rings again at 3:15 am. And of course it scared me. i answer it and it is kya crying that she is scared and will you come get me. so i say yes i will be there in a min. i get up and before i can even get to the garage she calls me two more times asking if i have left yet...... i said i am just getting in the car i will be there in a min. i get in the car and start to drive realizing i forgot my glasses... i can barley see in the day with out them let alone at night. but i knew i had to hurry she had called again by then. and looking at the time i knew the bars in town had closed so there were a lot more cops out and about. and to top it off it was snowing.... I can't see, there are more cops out then usual, and it is snowing. Great Fun..... I finally get there at 3:30 am and she texts me and says hold on i am getting my shoes. hello you new i was coming. come to find out she was waking up her other friend to come home with her. Not Cool. I still haven't figured out why she did that unless she didn't want to tell them she was scared. anyway we get home and kya and her friend make a bed on the floor in her room and i hear the front door open i t was her friend going home. so i go in and ask kya whats going on and katie called her mom to tell her where she was so she said to come home. kya didn't even tell me so i could walk her home kya said she is fine she is not afraid of the dark. what a nice friend kya is... By the way Brooke lives about 5 miles give or take away from us. I told her no more sleep overs that i have to drive to close by walking distance fine but no more long distance ones. She has done this to me before. but she has stayed at a couple of her Friends house here in the neighborhood so i thought she was good to go. NOT.... At night she likes me to leave my bed room door open so she can see light. and to make sure we are still awake before she goes to sleep. She wants to be asleep before us. And she has us check her closet every night before bed.

So this morning i slept in til about 10am. then i got ready to go get Kiana at her friends house. Dad called and wanted to go meet in Boise to eat with Steven and christian and himself. But by the time i got back from getting Kiana we would have been late so we cancelled. I ran to walmart to get the kids some valentines presents. I ended up getting the guitar hero world tour for the wii and an extra guitar. They have been playing it all day. While i was at walmart dad showed up at the house. He stayed for a couple hours and then went home.
Then Tag and i took a nap. till about 6:30 pm. We planned on going to the boys last basketball game of the season and it was at 7pm. They played against Columbia they are from Nampa. We won it was a close game all four quarters. They start district tournament this week sometime. Here in Middleton. The game got over at 9:15 pm. And we hadn't eaten so we were trying to figure out where to eat. We ended up just going to Denny's close by we were tired. and we needed to get home and get our sharing time done for church tomorrow. Well it is today now...
I talked to mom today and it sounds like the weather in Texas is still nice they were BBQing today. Ronnie (cousin) and his kids were coming over for the day. And Tittles is loving it there with all the other animals that my aunt has. and the warm weather.
I hope everyone had a great day.. I am off to bed now.

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